
Historical Documents

Page history last edited by Todd Winters 3 years, 8 months ago

AF Desperados.pdf

A 2021 news article by Justin Smith about the case of two outlaws.


American Falls history Power County Press supplement 1976.pdf 

This page contains a collection of original documents that have important historical information about a person, place, or event and thus can serve as primary or secondary sources. These are documents of historical interest in that they are descriptions of our community and provide insight into how American Falls became what it is today.


1936 AFHS Yearbook of Bea Thornton.pdf


Cultural and Paleontological Resources - Includes American Falls sites.


AF on the Snake River.pdf         source: Crowder, David. Tales of Eastern Idaho. Kid Broadcasting Corporation, 1981. Print.


The Idaho Story, Vol. 2, 1968.pdf     The Idaho Story Volume II 1968, Idaho Members of Poets' and Writers' Guild , Library of Congress Card Number: 67-29645, Location AF Public Library


American Falls Idaho by Oregon Short Railroad 1909.pdf       source: American Falls, Idaho. The Commercial Club of American Falls, Idaho, approximately 1910. Print.


Historical Sketch of Power County.pdf


The Moving of a Town.pdf


Power County Background and History.pdf


Old American Falls.pdf


Ella Marie Rast Book.pdf  Building of The Dam, Ch. 27, 'I Remember that good yet...' by Ella Marie Rast, Copyright 1997.


Massacre Rocks State Park.pdf


Fort Hall History.pdf




American Falls, Idaho.pdf


AF Reservoir Contract 1920.pdf   source: The Idaho Republican. (Blackfoot, Idaho), 23 Jan. 1920. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091197/1920-01-23/ed-1/seq-4/>


AF Grand Forks herald 1920.pdf   source:  Grand Forks Herald. (Grand Forks, N.D.), 08 Sept. 1920. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042414/1920-09-08/ed-1/seq-8/>


Proibition.pdf   source: Embedded in document.


1913 to 2013 Power County Centennial document.pdf  A publication celebrating American Falls historical events and people.


 American Falls 100 years Power County Press supplement.pdf  100 year celebration supplement - Power County Press - 2013 


American Falls history Power County Press supplement 1976.pdf  American Falls History - Power County Press - Pride Edition - 1976











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